Editorial Review: John Caprarelli has many life experiences to share about growing up in the San Fernando Valley, a suburb of Los Angeles. His book “Uniform Decisions” is not only about the famous botched bank robbery of February, 1997, where two armed assailants were killed and over eleven hundred rounds of ammunition were spent, but it is about his personal life of how to accept and adapt as a husband, father and police officer. The blend of these three aspects can be hard and complicated.
In this one hundred and eighty-seven page biographical story, John takes the reader from his childhood days in private school and marrying his high school sweetheart through the nuances and drills of the police academy and into the every day life of one who “serves and protects.” With twenty-seven years in the LAPD, he covers both the banal and fascinating stories while in different law enforcement venues, from the beat on the streets, filling out endless paperwork to dealing with the first dead body or going undercover and snagging a drug dealer. However, the focal point of the book is the robbery itself and its toll on the officers involved. The book not only includes photographs of the famous shoot-out but also of his parents, wife and children. Towards the end of the book, John blends how he personally dealt with the aftermath of the shooting and health-related issues that altered his lifestyle which led to his retirement. In addition to taking a look at himself and changing areas of his life, he deals with his core beliefs and Christian values from his upbringing. He explains how the LAPD used to handle (or lack thereof) post traumatic stress syndrome. Due to this particular shooting, many police departments across America have changed their follow-up practices and protocols involving attitudes and behaviors toward their officers.
If you want a deep perspective how a policeman views his stressful job, co-workers, diversified work situations and most of all, his faith and determination, this book covers it. It is easy to read and engaging, forcing the reader to want to know what will happen on the next page. Besides capturing historical events of the famous robbery, it is a helpful book to pass on to someone contemplating joining the police force by explaining realistically its perks and pitfalls. Kudos to John for writing his book personally “like it was and is” and how he grew up and matured, both mentally and spiritually, in law enforcement.

Good Read for Anyone
I asked for and received this book for Christmas. I heard about it from interviews about the anniversary of the shooting during the year and was interested. What the book isn’t is an in depth analysis of the North Hollywood shooting. If you want something like that, visit the LAPD Historical Society in Highland Park. You will learn all you will ever want to know and see actual artifacts. Really go visit, the place is awesome.
This instead is a great book about one officer’s career highlights and his personal experience during the shootout. I was expecting most of the book to be about the shootout. I was pleasantly surprised as it including the officer’s entire career. Compare it to when you run into a retired cop and they start telling stories. The book reads like that and it is fun to read. Very enjoyable as I like personal stories and everyone has a life full of stories to tell. One of my favorite things about the book is that cops often have trouble with relationships. Not this guy. He made every effort to give credit to his wife for always being there for him and for being very supportive. I thought it portrayed an interesting and loving picture of the teamwork needed for a couple to survive when one spouse has a very stressful job. The part of the book that does cover the shootout was interesting especially if you watched and remember the events of that day. As I was reading it, I would visualize what I saw on tv that day and was able to develop a vivid mental picture of what was being described.
I would recommend this book to anyone from people who like police stories to people wanting to become officers. It’s not a technical book about police work, it’s very easy to read, and entertaining.

A Cop’s Story
Uniform Decisions is not so much a book as a story as told by a cop.John Caprarelli takes us on patrol with him as he navigates through life as an LAPD Officer. The second half of the book recounts Caprarelli’s participation in one of the most horrendous shootouts in the annals of American law enforcement.Readers are taken back to February 28th 1997where they are standing with John on that North Hollywood street and facing the hellish reality of two madmen who created a living nightmare for all those who witnessed it. Caprarelli describes in detail as the bravest of the LAPD faced Evil and beat it back. In this Hollywood story good triumphs and Caprarelli is there to tell us how they did it.
Well done Officer Caprarelli.

Thoughtful, Well Written, Story of Triumph
John Caprarelli had the courage to face deadly threats on the streets. In this well written, entertaining book, he has the courage to tell how those encounters effect you long after the gun smoke has cleared. He takes you through his life before the LAPD and shares entertaining anecdotes from his career. Most cops never have to fire their guns in the line of duty. John did not have that luxury. He writes about his lethal force encounters and how, unlike in the movies, cops do not always walk away unscathed, even if they were not hit by gunfire. Most importantly he tells how he was able to overcome the after effects of trauma. This book is a must read for anyone who carries a gun to defend life but is also recommended to anyone who enjoys a thoughtful concisely written memoir.

Highly recommend This Book!
I’ve always enjoyed hearing personal stories from police officers, and John tells the simple truth of what its like being a police officer for the LAPD at the time. Thank you for telling your story John!

Uniform Decisions
I happened to learn about the this book, Uniform Decisions, from watching John Caprarelli on a television news interview. I was immediately interested with obtaining and reading this book. The first reason I too was a police officer in the Los Angeles area and served over 30 years. I recently retired. The second reason was the North Hollywood Bank of America robbery. Television captured the events from their news helicopters and a TV audience watched in horror.
Two robbers, armed with fully automatic assault rifles and wearing full body armor, exchanged shots with the police.
One rainy morning I sat down with a cup of coffee and started to read the book. I was unable to put the book down and subsequently finished Uniform Decisions that same day.
Uniform Decisions was not just about the North Hollywood bank robbery. The book was also about John Caprarelli, his wonderful wife, the reasons he became a police officer, his early career as a LAPD officer, and the aftermath.
I was so moved by this book that I went to a John Caprarelli book signing. I bought three extra copies for some of my friends at my department. I recommend this book to everyone.

I urge EVERYONE to read Uniform Decisions!!! AMAZING READ!
I don’t read books for enjoyment…EVER! I never do! I read enough books to last me 10 lifetimes while getting my English/Writing B.A. I saw John Caprarelli’s news interview on KCAL9 promoting his new book. I decided to read the book and I am so glad I did. I have never read a book like “Uniformed Decisions.” All I can say is WOW! I couldn’t put the book down. I was addicted to every word John Caprarelli wrote. This book gets you hooked and you don’t even know it. I read it in two sittings on my iPad and can’t believe how much I enjoyed it. I can’t recommend this book enough! I wish the book was longer. I am hoping John Caprarelli writes another book. Heck, I will help him write/type it! I wanted to read more about an LAPD Officer that was squarely involved in the North Hollywood Shootout. I thank John Caprarelli for his 27 years of service to the City of Los Angeles.

Compelling, Couldn’t Put It Down
Personal, real and told from the heart; John’s story is powerful. You will feel more like a participant, than a spectator. You will not be disappointed.

Great Read
This is a great book written in the eyes of a police officer. Not only do you get to see what it’s like at the beginning of their career but the author also takes you through the Bank of America shootout in such vivid detail it’s like you were there with him feeling what he felt. I definitely recommend this book to my friends and family.

Enlightening and Educational – A Compelling Read!
An insightful book of not only an eyewitness report of the harrowing 1997 North Hollywood shootout, but also a personal look at the author’s experiences in the LAPD. We tend to take our policemen for granted, never really knowing or understanding how the job can affect them. A big thank you to John Caprarelli for sharing not only his experiences, but also the personal thoughts behind them. A very compelling read – I highly recommend it!

The Best Book!
This is a great book! Being read from a police officer’s perspective you really get many more details. Filled with action, family and specific scenarios, I definitely recommend this book to my friends and family.

Page Turner
This is a great book! Being read from a police officer’s perspective you really get many more details. Filled with action, family and specific scenarios, I definitely recommend this book to my friends and family.

Outstanding Insight Into an Officer’s Perspective of the Job
This book provides an outstanding insight into the rigors and stresses of law enforcement. It has universal application and not just limited to the L.A.P.D. I highly recommend that anyone interested in a career in Law Enforcement, read this book to gain an appreciation of the job’s challenges, prior to making a career choice.

My Take
I have read hundreds of Detective and Military stories, fiction, non-fiction and auto-biographical. Rarely does an author successfully transmit the feelings involved as well as Caprarelli does in Uniformed Decisions. I was left with a clearer understanding of what it is like to be a police officer. This is a page turner that left me wanting more.

Bravery Under Fire
This book is a great account of an officer’s worst nightmare. Those of us who sit behind desks or talk on phones at work have no idea the bravery, commitment and dedication that are daily requirements for those who work in law enforcement. The term “Do the right thing” for them means the possibility of losing their lives, and John Caprarelli did the right thing over and over that day. It made my hands sweat and my heart beat faster just reading about the insanity and horror that played out over the long hours of Feb. 28, 1997. It is also a great reminder that police officers are regular people with families and friends, hopes and dreams, and fear – just like the rest of us. They put their fear aside and protect us from psychotics like Phillips and Matasareanu and they deserve our thanks and respect. If you like reading novels by Wambaugh, Patterson and Sandford, do yourself a favor and read the non-fiction version!

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